Wednesday, July 27, 2005

It's Almost Friday!

Sorry to everyone out there, but my friday is tomorrow. I'm off to the Oregon Coast at approx. 3 pm tomorrow. I'm going up to my friend JB's family's Beach Cabin/House/Chalet/Shack (I'm not sure how they refer to it). We will be joined by two more of our friends. It's about a 10 hour drive and I'm getting really giddy. My last road trip was about a month ago when me and some friends drove to Walla Walla, WA. ("a town so nice, they named it twice" as they say) But the last time I spent any kind of time on the Oregon Coast was 9 years ago when myself and my then girlfriend took a road trip down the coast from Seattle to SF. Man, I miss the car I had back then. Easy to do when you don't have a car at all and no prospects of getting a car.

Anyways, so I'll not be posting until next week and hope to have some great stories to tell. I really do hope Weltball catches on up in the OC. If it doesn't, my friends are going to think I'm some sick fucker.

One more thing, 3 friends and I went to Murderball last night. It's a new Sports Documentary about Quadriplegic Rugby. I've got too much work to do still tonight so all I'm going to write is that I think everyone should see this movie. It's uplifting, exciting, heartfelt and a lot of fun. Grade: A-

Currently Listening To: Don't Stop the Rock by The Chemical Brothers


Blogger jacquie said...

Hey Paul, who kicked your ass at beer pong about 40 times straight?

8/01/2005 1:27 AM  

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